Guest Speaker
Gergana May
"The 2007 Nobel Peace Prize and Indigenous People"
Martha Nyikos
"Dear Abby, My Biggest Problem"
Lily Ibarra
"Updating History: Discussion Activity for S275 (Intro to Hispanic Culture)"
Bora Chung
"Making Sense with News Articles"
Feray Baskin and Claire Renaud
"Watch Out Your Language"
Megan Barrett
"New for Newbies: Tips for Integrating the Press Into the First-Year Classroom"
Maria-Thereza Bastos
"Improvising with the News"
Matt Rowe
"Fashion Show"
Andrew Bowers
"Le Bonne Phrase"
Malinee Prapinwong and Nunthika Puthikanon
"Tell Me and I Forget, Show Me and I Remember, Involve Me and I Understand"
Giovanna Urdangarain
"Digital Immigrant"
CIC; German and Germanic Studies; CeLT; French and Italian; Spanish and Portuguese; Language Education; Slavic Languages and Literature; Second Language Acquisition
CIC; German and Germanic Studies; CeLT; French and Italian; Spanish and Portuguese; Language Education; Slavic Languages and Literature; Second Language Acquisition
Renato Alvim, Spanish and Portuguese
Jordi Teillard-Clemmer, French and Italian
Maria-Thereza Basto, Language Education
Lina Khawaldah, Slavic Languages and Literatures
Claire Renaud, French and Italian
Wendy Westphal, Germanic Studies
Megan Barrett, Germanic Studies